Saturday, March 5, 2011

CHINA: Beijing acknowledges discontent and wants to tackle inflation

Premier Wen Jiabao said Saturday that his government's priority was to fight against inflation and a recognized public discontent, while setting a growth target of 8% for 2011, in a speech to parliament.

"We have to consider price stability as the priority of our macro-economic control," said the head of government before the nearly 3,000 delegates to the NPC, met for ten days in the Chinese capital, according to the translation his official speech in French.

He described the price rise and inflation expectations "problems which are closely the standard of living of the population, the overall situation and stability of the country."

The aim of rising consumer prices, which reached 4.9% in January over one year was set at "4%" for 2011, against 3% last year, while the objective of growth of gross domestic product (GDP) was maintained at 8%.

China's GDP in 2010 became the world's second largest behind the United States, surpassing that of Japan.

This year, the Chinese government "will continue to pursue a policy of recovery", but by reducing the budget deficit will be contained in "about 2% of GDP."

Priority spending will be devoted to "rural development", "to improve the level of the population and develop the social sectors," according to this discourse that determines the main directions for the country's official year.

"Some issues are subject to strong reactions among the population have not been completely resolved," admitted the Prime Minister.

"The educational resources and lack of quality medical and their distribution is uneven," he detailed.

"The property prices have experienced an excessive increase in some cities," continued Mr.Wen wants to boost the construction of social housing.

He further stressed that "social contradictions raised by the illegal requisition of land and demolition of illegal houses have multiplied," that "food security is poor" and that "some sectors are vulnerable to corruption."

China also wants to continue to "improve the formation mechanism of RMB exchange rate," considered undervalued by its major trading partners, but without making any specific commitments.

Always fight against inflation, it wants to implement "a prudent monetary policy" by limiting to 16% increase in money supply M2 (broad money comprising currency in circulation, deposit accounts and accounts of savings).

The National Popular Assembly (ANP) is the largest parliament in the world. She just basically endorse Communist Party projects and the government.

This body meets only once a year in plenary session for ten days in March.