Monday, March 21, 2011

FRANCE: Strong abstention and thrust of the National Front in the first round of cantonal

AFP - The first round of cantonal last election by universal suffrage before major electoral events of 2012, was marked on Sunday by a surge of FN, behind which the UMP, big loser, and an increase in left background record abstention.

The second round will take place, according to a recording made by the AFP in France to 394 duels, mostly against the PS (204), but also facing the UMP (89), FCP (37) or other candidates, from left or right. There will also be five triangular UMP-PS-FN.

The party of Marine Le Pen, came in first in 39 townships, has qualified in the quarter of districts still to be filled Sunday.In the boss's own stronghold of the UMP, Jean-Francois Cope, the presidential party is overtaken by the FN.

On nearly 99% of ballots counted, the PS obtained 25.04% of votes, the UMP 17.07%, 15.18% of the FN, the Left Front over 9% and Europe-Ecology Greens 8, 28%, according to the Ministry of Interior.

Minister Claude Gueant has credited the "presidential majority" of 32.5% through the addition of voice to the right that has outraged FN and PS.

The final rate of abstention is at 55.6%, a record for this type of election.

Ms. Le Pen hailed a success "historic" for his party, almost elbow to elbow with the UMP, which many label candidates of the majority preferred to that of various right because of the unpopularity of Nicolas Sarkozy .

The FN, which had no general counsel, has to replace the UMP in the political landscape, predicted the companion of Ms. Le Pen, Louis Aliot.

The breakthrough of far-right party confirms recent polls by Ms. Le Pen, a possible presidential nominee.The positioning of each other compared to the FN has also supplied all the comments.

"We let our voters' freedom of choice" when the UMP is absent in the second round, said Jean-Francois Cope, denying the vote as the Republican front FN.

A position condemned by the Left, which sees "an ambiguity guilty," as David Assouline (PS). Same side of the modem tone: "The position of the UMP is irresponsible, he must vote for the candidate who is against the FN," said his spokesman Yann Wehrling.

The majority also the official position of UMP raised eyebrows and promises of tough debates.The President of the Radical Party, Jean-Louis Borloo, has called for "to block the FN.

Minister Valerie Pecresse said that "personally" in case of FN with the duel, she would vote for the left.

The number one PS Martine Aubry was again accused President Sarkozy of "damaging the Republic" and being "instrumental in the scoring of the National Front." Following a meeting with Cécile Duflot (EELV) and Peter Lawrence (PCF), the three leaders called together at the rally.

Ms. Duflo has also called for "to block the FN" wherever it is present."The UMP has taken a beating and the FN has made the pockets," quipped Jean-Luc Melenchon (Left Party).

A rare dissenting voice to right, Claude Goasguen (UMP) saw this result "a warning" launched his party "and Nicolas Sarkozy," whereas in the majority, the word was clear: to relativize the national scope election and call for mobilization.

As for results, the former first lady Bernadette Chirac was re-elected by one vote in the first round in Corrèze. Michel Mercier, one minister in the running, was re-elected in the Rhone.

On the county, the right seems distressed in the Jura.The suspense continues in the Pyrenees-Atlantiques and the Charente-Maritime, other departments may fall into the hands of the Left, which already controls 58.